ETS Products & Services

English Language Learning, Higher Education, Workplace & Training, Scoring Services

A business development venture in which ETS seeks to partner with organizations, start-ups, venture capitalists, tech entrepreneurs and others to grow their business, help to improve their offerings, or add our products, services, capabilities and research to their offerings. ETS Accelerate provides access to our intellectual property through licensing, research and development, partnerships, and general business development opportunities.

ETS Strategic Capital

English Language Learning, Higher Education, Workplace & Training, Scoring Services

Mission-driven and strategic, ETS Strategic Capital was formed to invest in, acquire or partner with innovative companies and technologies to further enhance the ETS strategy and mission — to advance quality and equity in education for learners worldwide.

Skills for a New Economy

Higher Education, Workplace & Training

Automation, artificial intelligence and global competition are all factors transforming the jobs we hold and the work we do. These changes augment the skills needed in the workplace and challenge workers to evolve and show they have the skills necessary for success in a new economy. Collaborating with employers, institutions and individuals, we are working toward a solution that can support skill development and skill signaling to ensure that job seekers, whether in school or in the workforce, can demonstrate their preparation for success in the future of work.

Assessment Insights Workshops

Higher Education, Workplace & Training

Practical, hands-on training for institutions and academic programs to create effective assessment processes to achieve institutional goals. Participants work with their own data — regardless of the assessment used — to create "real-life" plans that optimize their institutional resources. Participants attend the workshops to advance their continuous improvement and accreditation initiatives.

Assessment Literacy Modules

K–12 Student Programs

The Assessment Literacy Modules are a set of 10 modules that use a combination of readings, video and audio content, and tasks and reflections to examine the components of a balanced assessment system and to provide a systematic review of six important types of assessment. Professional Learning Communities can use the assessment literacy modules as resources for teacher learning community meetings to provide content and structure to support productive, learning-focused meetings.

Criterion® Service

English Language Learning, Higher Education, K–12 Student Programs, Scoring Services

An online, instructor-led writing development tool through which students receive a holistic score with feedback on grammar, usage and mechanics to help guide their writing revision process. Educators and instructors use the tool to help K–12, college and English language learning students develop critical writing skills.

e-rater® Scoring Engine

Scoring Services

An artificial intelligence engine that uses natural language processing to score an essay and provide diagnostic feedback about grammar, usage, mechanics, style, and organization and development. Companies and institutions use this patented technology to power their custom applications. It also powers ETS’s Criterion and ScoreItNow!™ services.

ETS® Major Field Tests (MFTs)

Higher Education

Outcomes assessments that measure students' critical knowledge and understanding of a field of study. MFTs are offered in a dozen undergraduate fields and for business programs at the associate, bachelor and master levels. Institutions reference national comparative data to assess and demonstrate the effectiveness of their programs and improve curricula.

Source: ETS Products & Services


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